Safety rules fo r United Kingd om see page 2 Normas sobre medidas de se guridad para máquinas de coser domés ticas segün DIN 5773 0, sección 2 C a) Debido at m ovimiento de Ia aguja, el usuario de toda maquina de co ser deberã tener to do et cuidado po sible durante el traba jo y no apartar Ia vista de Ia zona de costura. c) Be sure to use only a 15-w att light bulb in the sewin g lamp. u unplug the po wer cord whenever you have to leav e the machine or want to clean it, oil it or change mechani cal and access ory parts. Safety rules a) Take care to avoid injury to your fingers by the ne edle during sew b) Make sure yo ing. Bu sayfayt disari ya doru katlayin iz Flettiô lessari sI ôu