In the world of One Piece, perhaps the trait most universal to pirates, beside their sea-going activities and general defiance of the law, is the jolly roger: a skull-and-crossbones symbol meant for intimidation, usually flown on black flags at the top of the ships mast, as well as on the sails.
These people fly a black flag with a skull atop their ship's mast. they are criminals who sail the seas in search of plunder. On the Blue Sea below, there are a class of people called 'pirates'.
While the English word 'pirate' is derived from the Latin pirata ('pirate, corsair, sea robber') and Greek πειρατής ( peiratēs: 'brigand'), the Japanese word for pirate- kaizoku-comprises the kanji for 'sea/ocean' ( 海, 'sea/ocean' ?) and 'thief/robber' ( 賊, 'thief/robber' ?), in analogy to such terms as ' bandit' ( 盗賊, tōzoku ?).